Ship to Ship Transfer Guide for Petroleum, Chemicals and Liquefied Gases
This industry guide provides recommendations on safety, minimum equipment levels and good operating practices for STS operations. It is a required publication on the SIRE Vessel Inspection Questionnaires (VIQ) for Oil Tankers, Combination Carriers, Shuttle Tankers, Chemical Tankers and Gas Tankers.
This book supersedes:
- Ship to Ship Transfer Guide (Petroleum) 4th Edition published in 2005
- Ship to Ship Transfer Guide (Liquefied Gas) 2nd Edition published in 1995
- LNG Ship to Ship Transfer Guidelines published in 201.1
This book builds on the previous recommendations and recognises experience gained in the industry of STS transfer operations, including transferring chemical (MARPOL Annex II) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargoes. The guide is applicable to transfers involving all bulk liquid cargoes, but where specific recommendations relate to a particular cargo type these can be found in the appendices. For transfers involving Annex I cargoes, the guide supports the requirements and recommendations developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
The Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) is a voluntary association of oil companies with an interest in the shipment and terminalling of crude oil, oil products, petrochemicals and gas. OCIMF focuses exclusively on preventing harm to people and the environment by promoting best practice in the design, construction and operation of tankers, barges and offshore vessels and their interfaces with terminals.Learn more:
The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) is the principal international trade association for the shipping industry, representing shipowners and operators in all sectors and trades.
ICS membership comprises national shipowners’ associations in Asia, Europe and the Americas whose member shipping companies operate over 80% of the world's merchant tonnage.
Established in 1921, ICS is concerned with all technical, legal, employment affairs and policy issues that may affect international shipping.
ICS represents shipowners with the various intergovernmental regulatory bodies that impact on shipping, including the International Maritime Organization.
ICS also develops best practices and guidance, including a wide range of publications and free resources that are used by ship operators globally.
The Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators (SIGTTO) is an international body established for the exchange of technical information and experience, between members of the industry, to enhance the safety and operational reliability of gas tankers and terminals.
The CDI is a chemical industry organisation, incorporated under the law of the Netherlands as the Stichting Chemical Distribution Institute (CDI) and operates as a non-profit making foundation.
CDI is managed by a Board of Directors consisting of seven individuals nominated by the participating chemical companies. The Board of Directors establishes policy and is responsible for overall affairs of the foundation. Individual Executive Boards are elected to oversee and direct the staff managing day to day activities for the Marine, Terminals and Marine Packed Cargo Schemes.