The Ship Captain's Medical Guide
24rd Edition 2024
The Ship Captain’s Medical Guide is intended primarily for use on vessels where there is no medical professional, such as a doctor, on board. It provides assistance and direction for crew members when it becomes necessary for them to assess and treat trauma and medical illness. Ships and fishing vessels which carry Category A or Category B stores are required also to carry a copy of the guide.
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This new guide, the 24th edition, continues to keep pace with the rapid changes in best-practice medicine, medical technology and global communications. It also provides reference for medical training courses, and a framework for crew members within which to think, when faced with unfamiliar medical problems at sea.
It contains:
- flow charts to aid evaluation and treatment
- incorporation of ‘red flags’ to aid identification of potentially life-threatening conditions
- clear, authoritative advice and easy-to-follow guidance
- step-by-step illustrations to explain emergency procedures
- cross-references to further detai
- anatomical illustrations
What’s New in the 24th Edition
The 24th edition includes the following updates:
- revised spinal immobilisation section
- updates to antibiotics guide
- new content on Covid and infectious diseases
- updates to the emergency algorithms
- new lighter, flexi-bound format using 100% recycled material