NP 205 ADMIRALTY Tide Tables Volume 5

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ADMIRALTY Tide Tables contain easy-to-use height, timing and tidal stream information to support the planning of departure and arrival times. Coverage includes 500 standard and 5,700 secondary ports in the UK and Ireland, Europe, the Indian Ocean, South China Sea and Pacific Ocean.

Each volume of Tide Tables includes:​

- D​​aily high and low-water times and heights for standard ports, time and height differences for secondary ports and harmonic constants for all ports where they are known

- Methods of prediction and information about the effects of meteorological conditions on tides

- Additional information on exceptional tidal factors provided for each area

- ADMIRALTY QR codes to enable quick access to a list of all Notices to Mariners (NMs) that affect that publication





​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ADMIRALTY Tide Tables are also available as a single digital publication: ADMIRALTY TotalTide (ATT). Part of the ADP package, ATT is a tidal prediction program that brings global tidal height and tidal stream data together; allowing crews to make instant tidal predictions for more than 7,000 ports and 3,000 tidal stream stations worldwide.