IBC Code, 2020 Edition

September 2020
The purpose of this Code is to provide an international standard for the safe carriage, in bulk by sea, of dangerous chemicals and noxious liquid substances listed in Chapter 17 of the Code. The Code prescribes the design and construction standards of ships, regardless of tonnage, involved in such carriage and the equipment they shall carry to minimise the risk to the ship, its crew and the environment.
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This edition of the Code incorporates a number of amendments that have entered into force since it was last published in 2016, including: Resolutions MEPC.302(72) and MSC.440(99), amending the model form of the International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk, which entered into force on 1st January 2020 resolutions MEPC.318(74) and MSC.460(101), amending Chapters 1, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 21, including a complete revision of the product information set out in Chapters 17 and 18, which entered into force on 1st January 2021.
On 17th June 1983, the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) adopted, by resolution MSC.4(48), the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code). Under the provisions of Chapter VII of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS 74), as amended, chemical tankers constructed on or after 1st July 1986 must comply with the provisions of the Code. On 5th December 1985, by resolution MEPC.19(22), the IBC Code was extended by the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) to cover marine pollution aspects for the implementation of Annex II to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL). Under the provisions of Annex II of MARPOL, chemical tankers constructed on or after 1st July 1986 must comply with the provisions of the Code. This edition of the Code incorporates a number of amendments that entered into force since the Code was last published in 2016, including: Resolutions MEPC.302(72) and MSC.440(99), amending the model form of the International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk, which entered into force on 1st January 2020 resolutions MEPC.318(74) and MSC.460(101), amending Chapters 1, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 21, including a complete revision of the product information set out in Chapters 17 and 18, which entered into force on 1st January 2021. Reference is also made within the Code to the MEPC.2/Circulars, issued annually in December. These contain details of products that have been the subject of Tripartite Agreements and serve, in effect, as a supplement to the IBC Code during the interim period prior to the entry into force of relevant amendments to the Code. Annex I of the MEPC.2/Circular includes products that are expected to become new entries, or amended information in existing entries in the IBC Code. The product information set out in the circular serves as prior notice of the carriage conditions that will apply to a product when the next set of amendments enters into force. This publication is appended with a number of other reference documents related to the IBC Code. These provide useful guidance and information with respect to a number of issues addressed by the Code.